1South Page Community School DistrictBlanchard-Braddyville-College Springs-Coin-ShambaughBox 98, College Springs, Iowa 51637712-582-3211Tim Hood, SuperintendentBOARD OF DIRECTORSRhonda SheldonPK-12 Principalthood@southpageschools.comRonald Peterman, Presidentrsheldon@southpageschools.comChristopher Drennen, Vice PresidentSherri Ruzek, Business ManagerDarin McClarnonPat Behrhorst, Board Sec/Admin Assistantsruzek@southpageschools.comJacquelyn Autrypbehr@southpageschools.comKenneth JacksonSouth Page CSD-Regular Monthly Board MeetingMay 11, 2020 7:00pm Vocational Agricultural Classroom1.Call to order –Roll Call2. Pledge of Allegiance3. Approve the Agenda4. Consent AgendaMinutes of theAprilBoard MeetingBills to be paidFinancial report5. Board Recognition6. ReportsPrincipalMaintenance and TransportationSuperintendent7.Discussiona.Handbook Revisions8. Actiona. Approve Negotiationsb. Approve theRevised Pandemic Response and Emergency Suspension Policyc. Approval ofISAB Membershipd. Approval of the 2020-2021 sharing with Essex CSD-Industrial Technology programe. Approval of the 2020-2021 Education Transition Agreementf. Approval ofCalendar Adjustmentg. Approval of Counselor-.21 FTE (40 Days) portion of TSS8. Personnel/Resignationsa.Approve the Full Time Contract for Julie Strange9. Board Comments10. Celebrations11. Closed Session 21.5 1. (i)12. Adjournment
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